Just Keep Blogging, Blogging, Blogging!


Okay, so here I am, totally back! Doing more blogging! It’s not as easy, (not that I ever thought that it would be), but whoa…I have all these stories floating around in my head…all this stuff that I have learned over all these years but I can’t seem to organize it. So today, and hopefully every time I write, I am going to let the Holy Spirit lead me.

I just got back from a weekend away from my family…This makes me feel so many feelings. number one is grateful…Like “whoo hoo” grateful. I can’t help it and it’s totally okay…I was able to sleep in and snack and laugh and walk and sit…oh thank you baby Jesus! It was amazing to be able to do whatever we wanted. No one was calling me Mommy or Honey or anything! Life is so serious so much of the time…I love it when I can slow down and look at how ridiculously funny so much of it really is.

I mean, we ate at this crappy little seafood restaurant (it actually was very good, but the atmosphere y’all…just no) and the three of us were acting and I think really feeling like we were at a five star something…I mean I must have said “thank you sooooo much” fifty thousand times, if I said it once! we were rolling our eyes as we took bites..and making weird sounds…I’m embarrassed now just remembering..but I sure wasn’t at the time, It was like we had all three just been let out of prison…and in some ways, we had…

Prison is a harsh word for it but can’t life feel just like that sometimes? I mean, you make these life changing decisions and it seems really, really like a great idea..then you realize that hey, you know that really big party that you planned for a year for you and that guy? yeah, that’s a wedding and a marriage…and it’s supposed to last like unil you die…and then you are like…OOOHHH yeah….
Or, you wait all those months and then you get the baby…and you are like…what the? WHO thought this was a good idea?
But even as happy as I was just being, Rhonda and totally care free and loving being in my skin…and not changing diapers..or wiping butts, or cooking blah, blah
I really missed those fools…I am not the same without them. Im not that other Rhonda anymore( the one before marriage and mommy hood)..I’m this Rhonda and I love it. That’s another reason its good to take a breather…a day or two break…So you can remember that you love your life….and that Gratitude, and Joy and Love…are in you again!

It helps that I can actually leave my kids with the hubbs. He does an amazing job, yeah I realized that after I finally stopped thinking I had to show him everything and leave him notes and call a bunch. Oh man, I can really do that thing…but He (and actually most husbands) can totally handle it.. the house, the schedule, the kids, the dog, the chores…He can do it! Maybe not the same as me…(sometimes better,that really irritates) but whatever. I actually came home to a clean house, happy kids..and I think he might have taught Josh how to ride his bike without training wheels..Really?! All I can think is…well, Jesus is REAL..and my husband MUST be falling in love with me all over again, because…seriously?? Im just gonna stop right there, no over thinking it…Just saying a prayer of thankfulness.

See thats the thing, no matter what, we all have silver linings, and blessings..but sometimes the hard and the sad and the duty of it all make for these really foggy glasses that are hard to see out of. But when you stop and take a moment, a walk, a lunch, a talk, a weekend retreat. Those are the very things that wipe those glasses clean. So I encourage you to take any kind of break that you can, don’t feel bad…If you need it, and we ALL need it, from time to time. If someone asks to help you say “yes”, and then, “thank you”…If there is someone you can reach out to, to ask for help, just do it. If there is someone that you can offer to help, do that too!
REST equals JOY…at least I think so.

Okay so…I don’t know how I am possibly going to get across this story the way I want to but..here it goes…

On the way home from the beach, my girlfriends and I decide to stop into Pirate Pete’s Antiques, I mean, we should have just known from the name for goodness sakes…well…lets just say, and hour and a half later we are walking out of there, about to pee our pants because we are getting old and we can’t hold our pee anymore (and pirate Pete didn’t have a bathroom). We are already kinda weary again because we had to listen to the sweetest old man ever tell us one thousand and forty three stories ( which were funny, I have to say) we absolutely and I mean for real, could not get out of that tiny..TINY..little store! He would not, could not let us leave…he played and old piano, tried to teach us how to play the banjo…told some really weird jokes. Are you picking up what Im throwing down? It was unbelievable! we should have filmed it…I mean, if for no other reason than my own entertainment right now. Well, the worst parts were that after all the courtesy laughing (from them, not me..I really did think he was super funny) and trying to negotiate pricing for the arm loads of junk we were trying to buy…Noell loses her keys! OH my LAWD…in this junk house..she is getting the menopause, so poor thing can’t remember to scratch her watch or wind her butt. she is sweated down (because she is having a hot flash) I am giggling like Betty Rubble…so much so that I can barely look for the keys..Then it hits me! I AM GONNA PEE MY PANTS…and I get dead serious, find her keys and pay for my junk( but the way I got no deal, I think I actually might have tipped him).

Long story longer, we made it out of there and no one had a potty accident. Especially, because Jessica actually slipped out during one of the performances and peed beside the building…tsk,tsp,girl! (why didn’t I think of that)

I have to sit back and think…. I am so happy I was able to meet Pirate Pete..Hear about his five wives etc…I love people..I love visiting…I love antique shops, the weirder the better.
And there, my friends is even one more reason to be grateful!

So how are you gonna wipe those foggy glasses clean?

Here We Go….I Guess I Have Started a Blog!

IMG_0854This is the family…Me, Jeremy (the hubbs), Joshua 6, Noah 10, and that beautiful angel of a puppy (giant puppy) is Andy. Does anyone out there feel the same way I do about the family Christmas card picture??? It is sooooo super hard for us to get a good one. This is the Prigg family Christmas card photo that got mailed out this year to only about 40 folks because I lost track of time. (so you know that means i have about 100 of these babies in a drawer now) ….It took 14 thousand tries….that number is vaguely exaggerated.   Here is one of the warm up photos just for your entertainment….

IMG_0847Now there, I hope I made you feel better about yourself.  However many tries it takes to get a successful Christmas card photo, this is my life. Lets just say things didn’t quiet turn out like I had planned. And by that I mean…nothing at ALL…like I had planned.

I am southern girl, from Georgia and I never thought I would leave the South.  But I met a  great guy from Seattle, right after college and my heart fell in Love….the rest is history…I have been here ever since May 6th 2000. I hated it for the first five years maybe more ( I didn’t hate him though…well not all the time) but now I really love it and call it my home.

I have always wanted to be a mom, and after trying for several years to no avail, Jeremy and I turned to a fertility clinic here in Tacoma, for help conceiving.  It worked! we got pregnant right away…and then it all happened.

On our honeymoon we chose the names for one boy and one girl…the boy was to be Noah Luke….I just loved it!

Noah luke was born today January 20, 2005,  One decade ago…I can’t believe its been that long.  After his 20 hour long birth( ill spare you those details)  and spending 5 days in the NICU at Tacoma General, we set out to begin our life together.  WOW…I was soooo scared, sometimes I still am.  But I was hopeful and sure that things would work out just fine.

You see, Noah was born with special needs..we didn’t get a diagnosis until he was 11 months old but I knew that first day at home with him…I just held him and cried out to Jesus to help me….Help me be a great Mommy to this miracle.

And you know what…HE HAS….Ten years later no body has died…we have survived! I have come to realize and appreciate that just like Glennon Doyle Melton says, Life can be so brutal, but also so beautiful….Life is just brutiful. this, my friends is PURE TRUTH.

I have redefined what life means and realized that I have a purpose that I never saw coming…I have tried my best to embrace this new normal and find ways to share our family stories to not only enlighten those that don’t know about Autism and Phelan-Mcdermid syndrome ….but to also show them that Life can still be filled with laughter…even if, sometimes the laughter comes through tears…Life can still be full of Joy, even after several nights with no answers, and very little sleep.  Life can mean so much when we live it out as who we authentically, really are. Being honest about your pain..your joy…the moments when something amazing and wise, just clicks!  My story matters, and hopefully you will feel the passion, love and sensitivity I have for people in general and be encouraged to go out there…and tell your story too.

Happy Birthday Noah Luke!

To my handsome prince…Noah Luke Shields Prigg,

The day you came into the world changed EVERYTHING. I am in awe of who you are.  Your strength, determination, patience, and joy amaze me every single day.  You make me want to be better.  I honor you today and every day…I thank God for you…When I look into your eyes, I see Jesus.  You make me Love God more.

Honey, I just want you to know that if on that day when you were born, God himself had given me the choice of any baby in the entire world…and if I knew then what life would be like, all the good and the bad….I would have walked right up to you and held out my arms. You were a gift for me…and I was born to be your Mommy…one day at a time, let’s walk this life out together okay?

Love Mom
